Trik Nge Bom SMS Orang lain

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Berawal dari teman saya yang mendapat pesan sms atau short messeges services, kiriman sms yang berjumlah sampai ratusan membuatnya kesal dan yang paling parah hp teman saya itu hingga crash atau hang. saya hanya tertawa saja karena itu adalah ulah iseng temannya sendiri, setelah mencoba googling di mbah google, saya mendapat tutorialnya cara ngebom sms orang lain hanya lewat HP. dan ternyata cukup mudah hanya sebuah aplikasi dari hp yang bernama sms bomber.
Dalam tutorial sebelumnya saya pernah membahas Menjahili PC Client Dalam Jaringan LAN namun pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan meberikan langkah-langkah ngebom sms orang lain lewat HP. ikuti terus sampai habis.

Download Aplikasi SMS bomber disini

1. Download file diatas lewat PC atau jika lewat Hape bisa langsung aja dibuka aplikasinya. (yang download lewat PC pindahin ke Hape dulu yaaa) ingat untuk HP berbasis JAVA.

2. Setelah aplikasi terbuka akan ada 2 opsi; Target Number dan Message Count
Target Number : Nomor Target
Message Count : Untuk pilihan berapa pesan SMS yang akan dikirimkan (isi 100 juga boleh tu hahaha)

3. Setelah itu klik oke, akan ada pilihan lagi Enter Mesagge
masukan pesan terakhir anda untuk teman yang anda jail.

4. Hanya klik SEND dan lihat berapa pesan yang akan dikirim.

Catatan :
- Aplikasi ini hanya untuk Hape berbasis JAVA
- Pulsa pengiriman SMS ditanggung penumpang (Di sarankan pakai provider yang kasih banyak bonus SMS)
- Ingat DOSA hehe

*Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kelakuan nakal anda. tutorial ini hanya sekedar pengetahuan.

Manfaat Hiren Boot CD

Bagi seseorang yang telah bergelut di dunia IT pasti pernah mendengar kata hiren. Hiren sendiri merupakan sebuah senjata bagi para penggiat dalam dunia IT yang mempunyai segudang manfaat dalam memperbaiki permasalahan komputer yang terkadang sulit untuk kita ketahui. Seperti saya yang kemana-mana selalu bawa karena banyaknya manfaat dari penggunaan hiren bootCD itu sendiri.

Contoh kecil dari manfaat yang bisa kita dapatkan dalam penggunaan hiren tersebut adalah:
Running windows xp dari cd atau flashdisk pun bisa, kalo mau re-install windows tapi ada data-data penting yang harus diselamatkan sedangkan windows hang. Tinggal booting dari cd pilih menu menu "Mini Windows XP".

Kloning Partisi / hardisk, Setelah windows dan kumpulan program jangan lupa mengkloning partisi di C, buat jaga-jaga windows error kembali. Dengan me-restore hasil kloning dalam tempo 15 menit pc kembali normal seperti semula tanpa instal ulang berjam-jam. Mengembalikan data hilang akibat kena format / virus, dapat menjebol Password windows / hotspot dan banyak lagi...
Berikut ini merupakan kumpulan puluhan tool dari Hiren's BootCd untuk memperbaiki komputer yang bermasalah serta fungsi-fungsinya:
Antivirus Tools
ComboFix (0404) - Designed to cleanup malware infections and restore settings modified by malware (Windows Freeware)

CWShredder 2.19 - Popular CoolWebSearch Trojan Remover tool (Windows Freeware)

Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (0404) - a free standalone anti-virus and anti-spyware on-demand scanner (Windows Freeware)

GMER 1.0.15 - Hidden services, hidden registry, hidden file scanner, Rootkit Detector and Remover (Windows Freeware)

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.45 (0404) - anti-malware application that can thoroughly remove even the most advanced malware. (Windows Freeware)

RootkitRevealer 1.7.1 - Rootkit Revealer is an advanced patent-pending root kit detection utility. (Windows Freeware)

SmitFraudFix 2.424 - This removes Some of the popular Desktop Hijack malware (Windows Freeware)

Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (0404) - Application to scan for spyware, adware, hijackers and other malicious software. (Windows Freeware)

SpywareBlaster 4.2 (0404) - Prevent the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software. (Windows Freeware)

SuperAntispyware 4.35.1002 (0404) - Remove Malware, Rootkits, Spyware, Adware, Worms, Parasites (a must have tool) (Windows Freeware)

Backup Tools
COPYR.DMA Build013 - A Tool for making copies of hard disks with bad sectors (Dos Freeware)

Double Driver 3.0 - Driver Backup and Restore tool (Windows Freeware)

DriverBackup! 1.0.3 - Another handy tool to backup drivers (Windows Freeware)

DriveImageXML 2.13 - backup any drive/partition to an image file, even if the drive is currently in use (Windows Freeware)

FastCopy 1.99r4 - The Fastest Copy/Delete Software on Windows (Windows Freeware)

GImageX 2.0.17 - ImageX is used to backup/restore WIM images for Windows XP/Vista and Windows 7 (Windows Freeware)

InfraRecorder 0.50 - An Open source CD/DVD burning software, also create/burn .iso images (Windows Freeware)

Partition Saving 3.80
- A tool to backup/restore partitions. (SavePart.exe) (Windows/Dos Freeware)

RegBak 1.0 - a light-weight and simple utility to create backups of Windows registry files (Windows Freeware)

Smart Driver Backup 2.12 - Easy backup of your Windows device drivers (also works from PE) (Windows Freeware)

WhitSoft File Splitter 4.5a
- a Small File Split-Join Tool (Windows Freeware)

Acronis True Image 8.1.945 - Create an exact disk image for complete system backup and disk cloning. (Dos Commercial)

Drive SnapShot 1.39 - creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file while windows is running. (Windows/Dos Commercial)

ImageCenter 5.6 (Drive Image 2002) - Best software to clone hard drive (Dos Commercial)

Norton Ghost 11.5.1 - Similar to Drive Image (with Image Explorer and usb/scsi support) (Windows/Dos Commercial)

Award DMI Configuration Utility 2.43 - DMI Configuration utility for modifying/viewing the MIDF contents. (Dos Freeware)

!BIOS 3.20 - a powerfull utility for bios and cmos (Dos Freeware)

BIOS Cracker 5.0 - BIOS password remover (cmospwd) (Dos Freeware)

BIOS Utility 1.35.0 - BIOS Informations, password, beep codes and more. (Dos Freeware)

CMOS 0.93 - CMOS Save / Restore Tool (Dos Freeware)

- a powerful all in one utility (Windows/Dos Freeware)

Kill CMOS - a tiny utility to wipe cmos (Dos Freeware)

UniFlash 1.40 - bios flash utility (Dos Freeware)

Browsers / File Managers
7-Zip 9.12b - File Manager/Archiver Supports 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS formats (Windows Freeware)

Explore2fs 1.08b
- GUI explorer tool for accessing linux ext2 and ext3 filesystems under windows (Windows Freeware)

Opera Web Browser 8.54 - One of the fastest, smallest and smartest full-featured web browser (Windows Freeware)

Total Commander 7.50a
- A file manager similar to the Windows Explorer features side-by-side file-browsing panes, built-in FTP, archive management, file search/compare/synchronize and more. (Windows Freeware)

Dos Command Center 5.1 - Classic dos-based file manager. (Dos Freeware)

Dos Navigator 6.4.0 - Dos File Manager, Norton Commander clone but has much more features. (Dos Freeware)

File Maven 3.5 - an advanced Dos file manager with high speed PC-to-PC file transfers via serial or parallel cable (Dos Freeware)

File Wizard 1.35 - a file manager - colored files, drag and drop copy, move, delete etc. (Dos Freeware)

FastLynx 2.0
- Dos file manager with Pc to Pc file transfer capability (Dos Freeware)

Volkov Commander 4.99
- Dos File Manager with LongFileName/ntfs support (Similar to Norton Commander) (Dos Freeware)

Mini Windows 98 - Can run from Ram Drive, with ntfs support, 7-Zip, Disk Defragmenter, Notepad / RichText Editor, Image Viewer, .avi .mpg .divx .xvid Movie Player, etc... (Windows/Dos Commercial)

Mini Windows Xp - Portable Windows Xp that runs from CD/USB/Ram Drive, with Network and SATA support (Windows/Dos Commercial)

CCleaner 2.30.1130 - Crap Cleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool (Windows Freeware)

Data Shredder 1.0 - A tool to Erase disk and files (also wipe free space) securely (Windows Freeware)

SpaceMonger 1.4 - keeping track of the free space on your computer (Windows Freeware)

- a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows. (Windows Freeware)

FileSystems Tools
AlternateStreamView 1.12 - View/Copy/Delete hidden NTFS Alternate Data Streams (Windows Freeware)

FileDisk Mount Tool 25 - to mount ISO/BIN/NRG/MDF/IMA images on windows. (Windows Freeware)

NewSID 4.10 - utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP (Windows Freeware)

NTFS Access 2.1 - Set NTFS permissions recursively and full access rights to a folder/file owner (Windows Freeware)

Virtual Floppy Drive 2.1 - enables you to create and mount a virtual floppy drive on your NT/2000/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware)

EditBINI 1.01 - to Edit boot.ini on NTFS Partition (Dos Freeware)

NTFS4Dos 1.9 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Freeware)

NTFS Dos 3.02 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Freeware)

NTFS Dos Pro 5.0 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Commercial)

Paragon Mount Everything 3.0 - To access NTFS, Ext2FS, Ext3FS partitions from dos (Dos Commercial)

Hard Disk Tools
Active Kill Disk 4.1.2393 - Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive. (Dos Freeware)

ExcelStor's ESTest 4.50 - ExcelStor hard disk diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware)

Fujitsu HDD Diagnostic Tool 7.00 - to check IDE drives for possible defects/problems (Dos Freeware)

Fujitsu IDE Low Level Format 1.0 - Low Level Format Tool (Dos Freeware)

Gateway GwScan 5.12 - Gateway hard drive diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware)

Hard Disk Sentinel 0.04 - Hard Disk health, performance and temperature monitoring tool. (Dos Freeware)

HDAT2 4.53 - main function is testing and repair (regenerates) bad sectors for detected devices (Dos Freeware)

HDD Erase 4.0 - Secure erase using a special feature built into most newer hard drives (Dos Freeware)

IBM Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.16 - quickly and reliably tests SCSI, IDE and SATA drives (Dos Freeware)

IBM Hitachi Feature Tool 2.15 - allows you to control some of the features of the the HDD (Dos Freeware)

Maxtor amset utility 4.0
- Utility for changing Acoustic Management on the hard drives (Dos Freeware)

Maxtor Low Level Formatter 1.1 - Maxtor's Low Level Format Utility works on any harddrive (Dos Freeware)

Maxtor PowerMax 4.23 - designed to perform diagnostic read/write verifications on Maxtor/Quantum hard drives (Dos Freeware)

MHDD 4.6 - Precise diagnostic of the mechanical part of a drive, perform Low-level format, Bad Sector Sepair, access raw sectors, manage S.M.A.R.T. (SMART) and other drive parameters such as acoustic management, security, Host Protected Area, etc. (Dos Freeware)

Samsung Disk Diagnose (SHDIAG) 1.28 - to diagnose the disk when suspected to have failures (Dos Freeware)

Samsung ESTOOL 3.00g - Drive Diagnostic, Automatic Acoustic Management, Enable/Disable SMART etc (Dos Freeware)

Samsung HDD Utility(HUTIL) 2.10 - The Drive Diagnostic Utility (Dos Freeware)

SeaTools for Dos - GUI 2.17 Text 1.10 versions to test Seagate or Maxtor Parallel ATA (PATA and IDE) and Serial ATA (SATA) interface disc drives (Dos Freeware)

SmartUDM 2.00 - Hard Disk Drive S.M.A.R.T. Viewer. (Dos Freeware)

Toshiba Hard Disk Diagnostic 2.00b
- Toshiba hard drive diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware)

Victoria 3.33e and 3.52rus - a freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics (Dos Freeware)

WDClear 1.30 - Restore/Erases the drive back to a factory condition (Dos Freeware)

Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2
- for the installation of Western Digital EIDE Hard Drives (Dos Freeware)

Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.04f - to quickly and efficiently verify the status of the drive (Dos Freeware)

Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN) 1.0.7 - Completely deletes the contents of any hard disk it can detect (Linux Freeware)

HDD Regenerator 1.71 - to recover a bad hard drive (Dos Commercial)

MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools
BootSect 6.0.6 - Boot Sector Manipulation Tool, This tool replaces FixFAT.exe and FixNTFS.exe (Windows Freeware)

DiskMan 4.2 - all in one tool for cmos, bios, bootrecord and more (Windows/Dos Freeware)

Grub4Dos installer 1.1 - an universal boot loader GRUB for DOS installer (Windows Freeware)

MBRWizard 2.0b
- Directly update and modify the MBR (Master Boot Record) (Windows/Dos Freeware)

MbrFix 1.3
- To backup, restore, fix the boot code in the MBR (Windows/Dos Freeware)

MBR Utility 1.05 - to manipulate a drive's master boot record (MBR) via the command line (Windows/Dos Freeware)

BootFix Utility - Run this utility if you get 'Invalid system disk' (Dos Freeware)

Boot Partition 2.60 - add Partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader (Dos Freeware)

MBRWork 1.08
- a utility to perform some common and uncommon MBR functions (Dos Freeware)

MBRTool 2.3.200
- backup, verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, display, re-write... (Dos Freeware)

- BootSave and BootRest tools to save / restore MBR (Dos Freeware)

Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1 - a multi boot manager (Dos Freeware)

MultiMedia Tools
MpxPlay 1.56 - a small Music Player for dos (Dos Freeware)

Picture Viewer 1.94 - Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes. (Dos Freeware)

QuickView Pro 2.58 - movie viewer for dos, supports many format including divx. (Dos Freeware)

Ms Dos Tools
1394 Firewire Support - 1394 Firewire Drivers for Dos (Dos Freeware)

ASUSTeK USB Driver 3 - ASUS USB CD-ROM Device Driver Version 1.00 (Dos Freeware)

Dos tools - Collection of dos utilities extract.exe pkzip.exe pkunzip.exe lha.exe gzip.exe uharcd.exe imgExtrc.exe xcopy.exe fdisk.exe fdisk2.exe fdisk3.exe lf.exe delpart.exe deltree.exe find.exe hex.exe debug.exe split.exe mem.exe smartdrv.exe xmsdsk.exe killer.exe share.exe scandisk.exe scanreg.exe guest.exe doskey.exe duse.exe move.exe setver.exe intersvr.exe interlnk.exe loadlin.exe lfndos.exe (Dos Commercial)

Interlnk support at COM1/LPT1 - To access another computer from COM/LPT port (Dos Freeware)

SCSI Support - SCSI Drivers for Dos (Dos Freeware)

SATA Support
- SATA Driver (gcdrom.sys) and JMicron JMB361 (xcdrom.sys) for Dos (Dos Freeware)

Universal USB Driver 2
- Panasonic v2.20 ASPI Manager for USB mass storage (Dos Freeware)

USB CD-Rom Driver 1
- Standard usb_cd.sys driver for cd drive (Dos Freeware)

Network Tools
Angry IP Scanner 2.21 - Scan IP addresses in any range as well as any their ports (Windows Freeware)

CurrPorts 1.80 - displays the list of all currently opened TCP and UDP ports on your computer (Windows Freeware)

Network Password Recovery 1.23
- Recover Windows XP/Vista network passwords (Credentials file) (Windows Freeware)

TCPView 2.54 - Lists TCP and UDP endpoints, including the Local/Remote addresses of TCP connections (Windows Freeware)

Winsock 2 Fix for 9x - to fix corrupted Winsock2 information by poorly written Internet programs (Windows Freeware)

XP TCP/IP Repair 1.0
- Repair your Windows XP Winsock and TCP/IP registry errors (Windows Freeware)

Defragger 3.9a - Single-file-defrag, Partition-Backup/Restore, Safe Data-Erase, Clusterviewer (Windows Freeware)

JkDefrag 3.36 - Free disk defragment and optimize utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Windows Freeware)

NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j - Registry Optimization for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware)

PageDfrg 2.32
- System file Defragmenter For NT/2k/XP (Windows Freeware)

Other Tools
Bulk Rename Utility - Rename multiple files, change timestamps and rename using EXIF data with the click of a button. (Windows Freeware)

EasyUHA 1.0 - GUI Tool to create and extract UHA Archives (Windows Freeware)

HxD - Hex Editor provides tools to inspect and edit files, main memory, disks/disk images (Windows Freeware)

Universal TCP/IP Network 6.4
- MSDOS Network Client to connect via TCP/IP to a Microsoft based network. The network can either be a peer-to-peer or a server based network, it contains 91 different network card drivers (Dos Freeware)

Partition Tools
Fat32 Formatter GUI 1.01 - Windows XP cannot format a volume bigger than 32GB with FAT32 (Windows Freeware)

Partition Wizard Home Edition 4.2.2 - Free Partition Magic Alternative, Partition Resize/Move/Copy/Create/Delete/Format/Convert, Explore, etc. (Windows Freeware)

USB Format Tool - Format/make bootable any USB flash drive to FAT, FAT32, or NTFS partition. (Windows Freeware)

eXtended Fdisk 0.9.3 - XFDISK allows easy partition creation and edition (Dos Freeware)

Partition Table Editor 8.0 - Partition Table and Boot Record Editor (Dos Freeware)

Ranish Partition Manager 2.44 - a boot manager and hard disk partitioner. (Dos Freeware)

Smart Fdisk 2.05 - a simple harddisk partition manager (Dos Freeware)

SPecial Fdisk 2000.03v - SPFDISK a partition tool. (Dos Freeware)

Super Fdisk 1.0 - Create, delete, format partitions drives without destroying data. (Dos Freeware)

The Partition Resizer 1.3.4 - move and resize your partitions in one step and more. (Dos Freeware)

Acronis Disk Director 10.0.2160 - Popular disk management functions in a single suite (Dos Commercial)

Paragon Partition Manager 7.0.1274 - Universal tool for partitions (Dos Commercial)

Partition Magic Pro 8.05 - Best software to partition hard drive for Windows 98/2000/XP (Dos Commercial)

Partition Commander 9.01 - The safe way to partition your hard drive,with undo feature (Dos Commercial)

Password Tools
Asterisk Logger 1.04 - Reveal passwords hidden behind asterisk characters. (Windows Freeware)

Content Advisor Password Remover 1.01 - It Removes Content Advisor Password from Internet Explorer (Windows Freeware)

Mail PassView 1.55 - Recovers mail passwords of Outlook Express, MS Outlook, IncrediMail, Eudora, etc. (Windows Freeware)

MessenPass 1.30 - A password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of several instant messangers (Windows Freeware)

Password Renew 1.1 - Utility to (re)set windows passwords (Windows Freeware)

ProduKey 1.40 - Recovers lost the product key of your Windows/Office (Windows Freeware)

PST (Outlook) Password Recovery 1.12 - Small utility that recovers lost password of Outlook .PST (Personal Folders) file (Windows Freeware)

WindowsGate 1.1 - Enables/Disables Windows logon password validation (Windows Freeware)

WinKeyFinder 1.73 - Allows you to View and Change Windows XP/2003 Product Keys, backup and restore activation related files, backup Microsoft Office 97, 2000 SP2, XP/2003 keys etc. (Windows Freeware)

WirelessKeyView 1.33
- Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by WZC (Windows Freeware)

XP Key Reader 2.7 - Can decode the XP-key on Local or Remote systems (Windows Freeware)

Kon-Boot 1.1 - to bypass Login Password of Windows (32bit, any password) and Linux (kon-usr) (Linux Freeware)

Offline NT Password Changer 2008-08-02 - utility to reset/unlock windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 administrator/user password. (Linux Freeware)

ATAPWD 1.2 - Hard Disk Password Utility (Dos Freeware)

NTPWD - utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password. (Dos Freeware)

Active Password Changer 3.0.420
- To Reset User Password on windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista (FAT/NTFS) (Dos Commercial)

Process Tools
Dependency Walker 2.2 - Checks for missing/invalid DLL/modules/functions for any exe/dll/ocx/sys. (Windows Freeware)

IB Process Manager 1.04 - a little process manager for 9x/2k, shows dll info etc. (Windows Freeware)

OpenedFilesView 1.46
- View opened/locked files in your system, sharing violation issues (Windows Freeware)

Pocket KillBox
- can be used to get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them (Windows Freeware)

Process Explorer 12.1 - shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded (Windows Freeware)

Process Monitor 2.8 - to monitor real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity, This tool replaces Filemon and Regmon (Windows Freeware)

ProcessActivityView 1.10 - Detailed process access information read/write/opened files etc (Windows Freeware)

Unlocker 1.8.9 - This tool can delete file/folder when you get this message - Cannot delete file: Access is denied, The file is in use by another program etc. (Windows Freeware)

RAM (Memory) Testing Tools
MemTest 1.0 - a Memory Testing Tool (Windows Freeware)

Video Memory Stress Test 1.7.116 - a tool to thoroughly test your video RAM for errors and faults (Windows Freeware)

Windows Memory Diagnostic - a RAM Test tool (Windows Freeware)

Memtest86+ 4.00 - PC Memory Test (Linux Freeware)

Recovery Tools
Partition Find and Mount 2.31 - Partition Find and Mount software is designed to find lost or deleted partitions (Windows Freeware)

PhotoRec 6.11.3 - Tool to Recover File and pictures from Dos/Windows (Windows/Dos Freeware)

Recuva 1.36.479 - Restore deleted files from Hard Drive, Digital Camera Memory Card, usb mp3 player... (Windows Freeware)

Restoration 3.2.13 - a tool to recover deleted files (Windows Freeware)

Smart Partition Recovery 3.3 - Find Lost NTFS partitions and restore them back. (Windows Freeware)

TestDisk 6.11.3 - Tool to check and undelete partition from Dos/Windows (Windows/Dos Freeware)

Unstoppable Copier 4.4 - Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such as bad sectors, scratches or that just give errors when reading data. (Windows Freeware)

Active Undelete 5.5 - a tool to recover deleted files (Windows Commercial)

Active Partition Recovery 3.0 - To Recover a Deleted partition. (Dos Commercial)

Active Uneraser 3.0 - To recover deleted files and folders on FAT and NTFS systems. (Dos Commercial)

DiyDataRecovery Diskpatch 2.1.100 - An excellent data recovery software. (Dos Commercial)

GetDataBack for FAT/NTFS 4.0
- Data recovery software for FAT/NTFS file systems (Windows Commercial)

Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro 6.10
- To Recover data that has been deleted/virus attack (Dos Commercial)

Prosoft Media Tools 5.0 v1.1.2.64
- Another excellent data recovery software with many other options. (Dos Commercial)

Registry Tools
Fix HDC - Fix the Hard Drive Controller when replacing your motherboard on an XP system (Windows Freeware)

RegFromApp 1.20 - Monitors/exports the Registry changes made by the selected application. (Windows Freeware)

Registry Editor PE 0.9c - Easy editing of remote registry hives and user profiles (Windows Freeware)

Registry Restore Wizard 1.0.4 - Restores a corrupted system registry from Xp System Restore (Windows Freeware)

RegScanner 1.80 - Tool to find/search in the Registry of Windows (Windows Freeware)

Registry Reanimator 1.02 - Check and Restore structure of the Damaged Registry files of NT/2K/XP (Dos Commercial)

Registry Viewer 4.2 - Registry Viewer/Editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2K/XP (Dos Commercial)

Remote Control Tools
TeamViewer 1.85 - Access any remote computer via Internet just like sitting in front of it, even through firewalls. (Windows Freeware)

TightVNC 1.3.10
- Cross-platform Remote Desktop Software to view/control remote pc with mouse and keyboard (Windows Freeware)

Security Tools
DiskCryptor 0.8 - High speed disk encryption tool to encrypt all disk/partitions, including the system partition encryption support (Windows Freeware)

TrueCrypt 6.3a - On-the-fly disk encryption tool, can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a real disk, can also encrypt an entire HDD/Partition/USB Drive (Windows Freeware)

Startup Tools
Autoruns 9.57 - Displays All the entries from startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys, Explorer shell extensions,toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, Scheduled Tasks, Winsock, LSA Providers, Remove Drivers and much more which helps to remove nasty spyware/adware and viruses. (Windows Freeware)

HijackThis 2.0.3b - a general homepage hijackers detector and remover and more (Windows Freeware)

Silent Runners Revision 60 - A free script that helps detect spyware, malware and adware in the startup process (Windows Freeware)

Startup Control Panel 2.8 - a tool to edit startup programs (Windows Freeware)

Startup Monitor 1.02 - it notifies you when any program registers itself to run at system startup (Windows Freeware)

System Information Tools
BlueScreenView 1.20 - Scans minidump files for BSOD (blue screen of death) crash information (Windows Freeware)

CPU-Z 1.54 - It gathers information on some of the main devices of your system (Windows Freeware)

Drive Temperature 1.0 - Hard Disk Drive temperature meter (Windows Freeware)

GPU-Z 0.4.0 - A lightweight utility designed to give you all information about your video card and GPU (Windows Freeware)

HDTune 2.55 - Hard disk benchmarking and information tool. (Windows Freeware)

PC Wizard 2010.1.93 - Powerful system information/benchmark utility designed especially for detection of hardware. (Windows Freeware)

PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (0404) - device information tool (similar to unknown devices) (Windows Freeware)

SIW 2010-03-10 - Gathers detailed information about your system properties and settings. (Windows Freeware)

UnknownDevices 1.4.20 (0404) - helps you find what those unknown devices in Device Manager really are (Windows Freeware)

USBDeview 1.56 - View/Uninstall all installed/connected USB devices on your system (Windows Freeware)

Astra 5.45 - Advanced System info Tool and Reporting Assistant (Dos Freeware)

CPU Identification utility 1.18 - Detailed information on CPU (CHKCPU.EXE) (Dos Freeware)

CTIA CPU Information 2.7 - another CPU information tool (Dos Freeware)

HWiNFO 5.3.5 - a powerful system information utility (Dos Freeware)

Navratil Software System Information 0.60.38
- High-end professional system information tool (Dos Freeware)

PCI and AGP info Tool (0404) - The PCI System information & Exploration tool. (Dos Freeware)

System Analyser 5.3w - View extensive information about your hardware (Dos Freeware)

SysChk 2.46 - Find out exactly what is under the hood of your PC (Dos Freeware)

Testing Tools
Disk Speed 1.0 - Hard Disk Drive Speed Testing Tool (Windows Freeware)

H2testw 1.4 - Check your USB Flash memory cards, internal/external hard drives and network drives for errors with this tool (Windows Freeware)

HDD Scan 3.2 - HDDScan is a Low-level HDD diagnostic tool, it scans surface find bad sectors etc. (Windows Freeware)

IsMyLcdOK (Monitor Test) 1.02 - Allows you to test CRT/LCD/TFT screens for dead pixels and diffective screens (Windows Freeware)

S&M Stress Test 1.9.1
- cpu/hdd/memory benchmarking and information tool, including temperatures/fan speeds/voltages (Windows Freeware)

System Speed Test 4.78 - it tests CPU, harddrive, ect. (Dos Freeware)

CPU/Video/Disk Performance Test 5.7 - a tool to test cpu, video, and disk (Dos Freeware)

Test Hard Disk Drive 1.0 - a tool to test Hard Disk Drive (Dos Freeware)

PC-Check 6.21 - Easy to use hardware tests (Dos Commercial)

The Troubleshooter 7.02
- all kind of hardware testing tool (Dos Commercial)

Dial a Fix - Fix errors and problems with COM/ActiveX object errors and missing registry entries, Automatic Updates, SSL, HTTPS, and Cryptography service (signing/verification) issues, Reinstall internet explorer etc. comes with the policy scanner (Windows Freeware)

EzPcFix - Helpful tool when trying to remove viruses, spyware, and malware (Windows Freeware)

InstalledCodec 1.15 - Disable/Enable Installed Codec drivers and DirectShow filters (Windows Freeware)

RemoveWGA 1.2 - Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Removal tool (Windows Freeware)

RRT - Remove Restrictions Tool 3.0 - To Re-enable Ctrl+Alt+Del, Folder Options and Registry tools etc. (Windows Freeware)

Shell Extensions Manager (ShellExView) 1.45 - An excellent tool to View and Manage all installed Context-menu/Shell extensions (Windows Freeware)

ShellMenuNew 1.01 - View/Change the list of all menu items in the 'New' submenu of Windows Explorer (Windows Freeware)

TweakUI 2.10 - This PowerToy gives you access to system settings that are not exposed in Windows Xp (Windows Freeware)

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.1
- A TweakUI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows Vista (Windows Freeware)

Xp-AntiSpy 3.97.9 - it tweaks some Windows XP functions, and disables some unneeded Windows services quickly (Windows Freeware)

Untuk mendownload Tools ini klik disini

Semoga tutorial Manfaat Dari Hiren Boot-CD ini dapat Bermanfaat.

Tips Cara Mendeteksi dan Penyebab Hardisk Bad Sector

Mendeteksi dan Penyebab Hardisk Bad Sector
Tips Cara Mendeteksi dan Penyebab Hardisk Bad Sector - Hardisk bad sector merupakan sebuah kerusakan pada bagian-bagian sektor pada hardisk. Sangat disayangkan bila kita mempunyai hardisk yang baru beberapa bulan kita beli tiba-tiba saja hardisk mulai tidak terdeteksi, tiba-tiba restart, kemudian shutdown tanpa ada pemberitahuan. Dan kejadian ini pernah IT Newbie alami, dimana saat sedang bermain game tiba-tiba komputer restart dan mati. IT Newbie mencoba menyalakan kembali namun saat booting komputer tidak respon dan memberikan pesan "system windows not found".
Penyebab Hardisk Bad Sector
  • Mematikan Komputer secara paksa tanpa melalui proses shutdown
  • Arus listrik yang tidak stabil
  • Penggunaan komputer yang terlalu lama tanpa adanya pendingin
  • Hardisk sering tergesek
  • Hardisk sering terbentur dan terjatuh
  • Sering melakukan install dan uninstall
  • Tidak pernah di defrag
Banyak hal terjadinya hardisk menjadi bad sector, namun jika dilihat dari dampak hardisk bad sector banyak sekali diantaranya yaitu Komputer sering restart, Sering shutdown, komputer menjadi lambat, dan lain sebagainya.

Dalam tutorial kali ini IT Newbie akan memberikan sedikit ilmu yang mungkin berguna untuk sobat semua, dalam penanganan dalam masalah hardisk yang terkena bad sector, IT Newbie biasa menggunakan software dalam mendeteksi kerusakan tersebut.
Sobat bisa mendapatkan software Surface Scanner di link berikut ini :
Software Surface Scanner ini dapat berjalan di windows XP, Windows 7 dan Windows 8. Fungsi dan kerja dari software Surface Scanner ini dapat menscan seluruh bagian pada hardisk dan membaca keseluruhan setiap permasalahan didalamnya. Software ini juga mendukung ATA, SATA dan USB.
Software ini bisa sobat dapatkan secara gratis alias free dan legal, namun software ini sebatas mendeteksi kerusakan bad sector pada hardisk bukan untuk memperbaiki bad sector.

Tips Ampuh Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Speedy

Internet Speedy
Tips Ampuh Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Speedy - Hari ini kawan saya pusing dengan akses internet nya, karena setiap kali dia mau browsing mencari artikel untuk tugas kuliahnya selalu saja mengeluh, gimana ga mengeluh, lah wong setiap kali mau buka website lama sekali loadingnya bahkan sampai sebatang rokok dihabiskan (hahaha... Lebay) ga sampai selambat gitu juga kali.
Memang seperti ini lah akses internet di negeri kita, jauh dari negara-negara lainnya. Namun setidaknya dengan sedikit oprek-oprek dan memodifikasi modem serta browser paling tidak sedikit mengobati ke bt-an kita. hahaa..
Langsung saja kita bahas seperti berikut ini cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet :
1. Setting Modem
  • Masuk ke settingan modem dengan menggunakan IP :
  • Kemudian klik Advanced setup
  • Kemudian klik ADSL, kemudian pilih ADSL Mode, untuk awalnya pasti ADSL2+ kemudian sobat bisa menggantinya menjadi G.DMT, kemudian klik save, kemudian sobat bisa tunggu beberapa saat browsing lagi.
2. Setting Pada Komputer
  • Sobat bisa melakukannya dengan masuk ke control panel kemudian pilih Network connections
  • Klik kanan pada Local Area Network (LAN) kemudian pilih properties
  • Kemudian sobat bisa klik di internet protocol (TCP/IP) klik properties
  • Kemudian sobat bisa pilih Use the following DNS server addresses
  • Masukkan preferred DNS server:
  • Masukkan Alternate DNS server :
  • Kemudian klik ok
  • Kemudian sobat bisa klik kanan di gambar jaringan atau network yang paling bawah kanan layar komputer kita, kemudian sobat bisa pilih repair
Fungsi dari memasukan DNS server dan yaitu merupakan memanfaatkan DNS dari Google. Kalau berhasil, pasti sangat berefek kecepatannya, dari sebelum memasukan DNS tersebut. Paling tidak setelah sobat mengikuti cara IT Newbie diatas sobat tidak harus menunggu lama untuk menunggu loadingnya.

Tips Ampuh Cara Mereset Bios Motherboard

Pada tutorial sederhana kali ini saya akan bahas tentang troubleshooting komputer yang berjudul Tips Cara Ampuh Mereset Bios Pada Motherboard Komputer. Awal kejadian ini saya alami ketika dimana komputer tidak mau booting sama sekali bahkan komputer tidak mau bekerja dengan semestinya. sempat bingung, sempat mengira kerusakan pada hardisk bot sector, atau mungkin karena terinfeksi virus. saya mencoba menganalisa kejadian ini oprak sana- oprek sini hampir sejam, namun ternyata permasalahan diluar dugaan yang terjadi hanya meng-clear battery CMOS..!!.

Mungkin sebagian orang yang belum tahu atau yang masih newbie dalam dunia IT seperti saya ini, langsung membawanya ke tempat tukang services, namun ternyata sangat mudah..! lumayan kan ongkos perbaikan ke tukang service bisa di tabung buat kawin...upss...hehee..(maklum ngebet pengen kawin).
Sebelumnya saya akan beritahu pengertian atau fungsi dari Battery Cmos yaitu : "CMOS RAM" merupakan  sebuah battery yang digunakan oleh BIOS untuk tetap aktif meski tanpa aliran listrik.Di setiap motherboard, terdapat satu battery CMOS yang terpasang ditempatnya. Dengan ciri berbentuk bulat pipih sama seperti battery yang digunakan pada jam tangan. Adapun singkatan dari CMOS itu sendiri adalah “Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor”.
Lihat gambar contoh dari CMOS.

Okee..langsung saja ikuti langkah-langkah, cara clear atau reset BIOS :
1. Dengan menggunakan jumper motherboard komputer anda.
Untuk semua pc desktop pasti ada yang namanya jumper cmos dan biasanya berdekatan dengan battery cmos, jumper cmos terdapat tiga pin dan jumper akan berhubungan antara pin yang ditengah dengan salah satu pin yang lain. Lepaskan jumper kemudian pasang antara pin yang ditengah dengan pin lain yang berlawanan. Misalnya saat awal pin yang tengah berhubungan dengan pin sebelah kiri, maka lepas jumper dan pasang jumper antara pin yang ditengah dan pin sebelah kanan. Setelah itu tunggu beberapa saat kemudian kembalikan lagi pada kondisi semula.
Contoh gambar Jumper CMOS :

2. Dengan melepas dan memasang kembali battery CMOS
Cara ini termasuk cara yang mudah, anda hanya melepas battery cmos selama 10 menit-an kemudian pasang kembali. fungsi dari melepas dan memasang kembali yaitu menjadikan settingan bios (reset bios) anda kembali seperti semula atau dengan kata lain default dari pabrik bawaan.
*note : Saat anda melakukan diantara dua cara diatas tersebut, Pastikan tidak terhubung ke sumber listrik.

Trik download Games Online

Diantara kawan-kawan semua pernahkah anda membuka sebuah games online terutama di website dimana website tersebut menyediakan sebuah permainan games secara online tetapi tahukah anda bahwa game tersebut merupakan game flash yang berformat .swf. Dari pada harus membuka secara online bagaimana jika kita download game flash tersebut dan sewaktu-waktu ingin memainkannya anda tidak perlu terkoneksi internet. Dalam tutorial singkat ini saya akan membagikan sedikit, mau tahu caranya ikuti langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut ini.
1. Pilih game yang mau dimainkan atau di download
2. Tunggu sampai loading nya selesai
3. Setelah itu klik kanan di background website nya, dan klik "view page source".
4. Search (Ctrl+f) "Value" (tanpa kutip)
5. Temukan kata depannya "www"
Sebagai contoh nya :

<div id=”flashobj” style=”width: 650px; height: 488px;”>
<object classid = “clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000″ codebase = “,0,0,0″ id=”flash_game_123″ width = “100%” height = “100%” align = “middle”>
<param name=”movie” value=”” />
<param name=”quality” value=”high” />
<param name=”bgcolor” value=”#ffffff” />
<param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”sameDomain” />
<embed name = “flash_game_123″ width = “100%” height = “100%” align = “middle” src=”” quality = “high” bgcolor = “#ffffff” allowScriptAccess = “sameDomain” type = “application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=”” />

Catatan :
  • Tulisan yang saya bold (Warna merah), anda copy trus buka di tab baru.
  • Setelah kebuka/loading dengan sempurna anda hanya tinggal klik File > Save Page As...
  • Setelah selesai download-nya silahkan anda maenin secara offline...
  • komputer anda harus sudah di install Flash Player...

Tidak semua game bisa di maenin pas udah di download…(Namun umumnya berhasil...)
Pengalaman saya pribadi dengan mengikuti cara-cara diatas hasilnya berhasil.

Musisi paling berpengaruh Di Dunia

  • 0
1. Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Beethoven adalah seorang komponis Jerman yang menciptakan musik yang menarik dan dramatis. Saat pertama kalidiperdengarkan, musiknya dianggap sangat memukau dan orisinil. Ia terus menulis komposisi lagu bahkan setelah ia menjadi tuli.

2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart menunjukkan kejeniusannya dalam bermusik saat ia masih anak-anak. Kemudian ia dapat menghasilkan simfoni dengan beberapa nada yang dipilih secara acak dari tuts piano. Hidupnya yang singkat, ia telah menulis lebih dari 600 komposisi musik, termasuk 41 simphony, dan opera seperti The Magic Flute dan The Marriage of Figaro. Mozart menulis simfoni pertamanya saat baru berusia 8 tahun.

3. Jimi Hendrik (1942-1970)

James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix adalah musisi, penyanyi, penulis lagu, gitaris dan tokoh budaya Amerika. Ia sering disebut sebagai salah satu pemain gitar listrik paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah musik rock. Dia dapat memainkan gitar dengan tangan kanan ataupun tangan kiri. Gitar Fender Stratocaster dengan tanda tangannya berharga sangat mahal. Jimi juga penemu efek gitar WAH pedal.

4. Ravi Shankar (1920 - sekarang)

Ravi Shankar adalah seorang komposer India yang terkenal karena kepiawaiannya memainkan sitar. Musiknya dikagumi oleh The Beatles dan Yehudi Menuhin. Ia adalah murid dari Allauddin Khan (pendiri sekolah musik klasik India, Maihar gharana), Pandit Ravi Shankar adalah seorang instrumentalis India yang terkenal dengan karya rintisannya yang membawa kekuatan dan pesona musik klasik tradisi India ke dunia Barat. Ini dilakukan melalui kerjasamanya dengan The Beatles khususnya George Harisson dan juga karena kharisma pribadinya sendiri. Karier musiknya merentang selama lebih dari enam dekade dan Shankar baru-baru ini memegang Rekor Guinness untuk karier internasional terlama.

5. Yehudi Mennin (1916-1999)

Yehudi Menuhin menjadi terkenal sebagai pemain biola berbakat pada usia dini. Ia mempertunjukkan konser biola pertamanya di hadapan publik pada usia 7 tahun. Ia juga memimpin orkestra dan mengadakan festival musik. Tahun 1963, ia mendirikan sekolah musik di Inggris untuk anak-anak berbakat. Lahir di New York, A.S., ia pindah ke Inggris tahun 1959 dan tinggal disana sampai akhir hayatnya.

6. George Gershwin (1898-1937)

George Gershwin asal Amerika memadukan gaya klasik dengan musik jazz dan blues Amerika. Ia menulis Rhapsody in Blue dan opera Porgy and Bess

7. Heitor Villa Lobos (1887-1959)

Heitor Villa Lobos adalah seorang komponis musik klasik yang menggunakan melodi dan ritme Brasil dengan pengaruh Afrika untuk menciptakan musik gaya baru yang indah. Ia adalah salah seorang komponis besar Amerika Latin.